event design

enhance the efficiency of your work

You can purposefully develop new events or redesign existing ones to meet the demands of your organisation in a remote or hybrid environment by using our event design pattern. In doing so, you will create events that truly connect the participants and foster meaningful interactions, collaboration, and teamwork.

dynamic event design canvas

  • defined value of the event and intended outcomes
  • resources and attendees required to make the event successful
  • for existing events, translation from in person to remote without causing Zoom Fatigue

Let's rebuild your events to save time! Book some applied training today.

Learning outcomes:

  • a fundamental understanding of how to use remote:af tools
  • practical experience designing effective hybrid and remote events
  • facilitation guidance for someone on your team to help guide future designs

What you get:

  • A preparation call with the remote:af team to customise your applied training workshop
  • License for a facilitator in your team to use Event Design toolkit
  • Back-ups of your teams work your chosen format (Mural, Miro, Powerpoint etc)
  • A blank copy of the event design kit in your chosen format
  • PDF back-ups of your teams work and blank copies for future use

Durations: 2 hours, single session

Price: $1,100 USD

build events to save time

Event design is a powerful pattern that provides a guided and repeatable method for designing, redesigning, and continuously improving remote events. Using a set of defined principles and considerations, it empowers you to create effective and efficient remote events in a collaborative workshop environment, all within a matter of hours.

At the heart of the event design pattern is the dynamic event design canvas. This canvas serves as a living artefact that captures the event's design. It visually represents key elements of the event, such as its purpose, target audience, desired outcomes, agenda, and interactive elements. As the design progresses, the canvas evolves, ensuring a clear understanding of the event's structure and objectives among all stakeholders.

what makes a tool?


There's no one-size-fits-all approach. Our tools are crafted to give you and your team the steps a world-class consultant would use.


The tools aren't just individual solutions - they work together to create a dynamic and impactful system that drive material business outcomes.


Each tool is like a buffet of delicious business solutions - pick and choose only the options that are right for you. Plus, you can always come back for seconds.

industry adaptable

We test everything across different industries to ensure that businesses of all kinds can understand and use the tools.

why remote:af?

With our cutting-edge tools and resources, you have the means to revolutionise your organisation from within. Embrace a DIY approach to success. Leverage remote:af's expertise in operating model design to equip your team with the necessary tools and strategies to thrive in the remote work landscape. Unlock the full potential of your team, optimize workflows, and foster seamless collaboration, all while adapting to the ever-changing business landscape. Experience a future where your team excels, no matter where they are located. Embrace remote:af and witness the transformation firsthand – driving productivity, innovation, and success throughout your organisation.